Jul 3, 2010
Some Proposed Seminary Courses
See this post by Donn Johnson on suggestions for some new seminary courses.
HT: Scot McKnight
Marshall on the Pastoral Epistles in Recent Study
Readers interested in the Pastoral Epistles might want to check out I. Howard Marshall’s chapter entitled “The Pastoral Epistles in Recent Study” in the recently released Entrusted with the Gospel: Paul’s Theology in the Pastoral Epistles, ed. By A. Köstenberger and T. Wilder. In this chapter, Marshall discusses recent commentaries (269–82), works on the structure of the PE (PP. 282–83), works on the literary approaches to the PE (pp. 284–87), works on pseudepigraphy and the authorship of the PE (pp. 288–92), works on the PE and New Testament theology (pp. 292–94), works on Christology and soteriology in the PE (pp. 294–97), works on the church, ministry, and ethics in the PE (pp. 297–300), works on women in the PE (pp. 300–4), and works on the individuality (treating each epistle independently) of the PE (pp. 304–8). I found these summaries to be helpful and even-handed.
Jul 2, 2010
Jul 1, 2010
Free Audio Download of A. W. Tozer's The Pursuit of God
Christianaudio.com is offering a free audio download of A. W. Tozer's The Pursuit of God. Here is a description of the book.
Although written in such a remarkably short period of time, Tozer's passionate classic offers not only a deeper understanding of Biblical Truth, but a personal encounter with the very Source of that Truth.
Go here and use the coupon code JUL2010.
Paul's Understanding of Christ as Lord

Anthony C. Thiselton, The Living Paul: An Introduction to the Apostles Life and Thought (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2009), 38.
Jun 30, 2010
Four Essential Proclamations in a Funeral Message
See Brian Croft's post on four essential proclamations in a funeral message.
Preaching and Teaching Law Passages
Peter Vogt provides the following “strategies for communication” in preaching a

- Address the cultural connotations of the Law (e.g., for Americans, laws are about rules, for OT Israelites the Law was about mandated righteousness)
- Note the purpose of the Law in its original setting
- Discuss the implications of Jesus’ ministry for the Law’s relevance
- Address the applicability of the Law in a contemporary setting
Peter T. Vogt, Interpreting the Pentateuch (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2009), 165–172.
Jun 29, 2010
Resources for Dealing With Temptation
See Dustin Benge's helpful list for dealing with temptation here.
WTS Bookstore Moving Sale
The Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore is moving and they have asked each staff member to select five of their favorite books to go on sale while they move. Each of these staff picks are 45% off.
J. Graham Machen, Christianity and Liberalism (Revised Edition) (Paperback) – $8.25
Timothy Keller, The Reason for God (Paperback) – $8.00
Edward Fisher, Marrow of Modern Divinity (Hardcover) – $16.49
Paul Miller, A Praying Life: Connecting With God in a Distracting World (Paperback) – $8.24
John Piper, Hunger for God: Desiring God (Paperback) – $8.79
Tedd Tripp, Shepherding a Child's Heart, Revised and Updated (Paperback) – $7.67
Timothy Keller, The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith (Hardcover) – $10.97
David Helm, The Big Picture Story Bible (Hardcover) – $13.74
Michael Emlet, Cross Talk: Where Life and Scripture Meet (Paperback) – $8.79
Bruce Waltke, An Old Testament Theology: A Canonical and Thematic Approach (Hardcover) – $29.24
Sally Lloyd-Jones, The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name (Hardcover) – $9.34
Bob Kauflin, Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God (Paperback) – $9.89
John Piper, God Is the Gospel: Meditations on God's Love As the Gift of Himself (Hardcover) – $9.89
Ginger Plowman, Heaven at Home: Establishing and Enjoying a Peaceful Home (Paperback) – $7.67
UBS Greek New Testament: A Reader's Edition (Hardcover) – $32.97
K. Scott Oliphint, Reasons for Faith: Philosophy in the Service of Theology (Paperback) – $13.74
Moises Silva, Interpreting Galatians: Explorations in Exegetical Method – $14.30
Lindsey Blair and Bobby Giles, Our Home is like a Little Church (Paperback) – $2.74
Herman Ridderbos, Paul: An Outline of His Theology (Paperback) – $20.35
David F. Wright, ed., Baptism: Three Views (Paperback) – $8.80
Klyne Snodgrass, Stories with Intent (Hardcover) – $27.50
K. Scott Oliphint, ed, Justified in Christ: God's Plan for Us in Justification (Paperback) – $10.44
Susan Hunt and Richie Hunt, Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for God (Hardcover) – $9.34
Adele Berlin, The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism (Paperback) – $11.55
Christopher Wright, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament (Paperback) – $9.35
Starr Mead, Grandpa's Box: Retelling the Biblical Story of Redemption (Paperback) – $7.69
Herman Bavink, Reformed Dogmatics, 4 Volume Set – $98.99
E. M. Bounds, Prayer and Praying Men (Audio CD) – $12.09
Cornelius Van Til, Christian Apologetics, 2nd ed. (Paperback) – $7.14