Nov 5, 2011

One Reason to Study the Old Testament

“The most compelling reason for Christians to read and study the Old Testament lies in the New Testament. The New Testament witnesses to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth is the One in whom and through whom all the promises of God find their fulfillment. These promises are only to be understood from the Old Testament; the fulfillment of the promises can be understood only in the context of the promises themselves. The New Testament presupposes knowledge of the Old Testament. Everything that is a concern to the New Testament writers is part of the one redemptive history to which the Old Testament witnesses. The New Testament writers cannot separate the person and work of Christ, nor the life of the Christian community, from this sacred history which has its beginnings in the Old Testament.”

Graeme Goldsworthy, Gospel and the Kingdom: A Christian Interpretation of the Old Testament (Carlisle: Paternoster, 1981), 19.

Nov 4, 2011

Nov 3, 2011

Andreas Köstenberger at The Criswell College

Those who live in or near the Dallas area might want to come and hear Andreas Köstenberger speak in two chapel services as part of the Criswell Theological Lecture series. The lectures will be help on Tuesday, November 8 and Thursday, November 10 in the Horner Hall at Criswell College, 10:00 - 11:15 AM. The titles are:

Tuesday, November 8 - The Hermeneutical Triad: Exploring the Text's History, Literature, and Theology
Thursday, November 10 - John 3:16: What Does it Really Mean?

See here for additional information.

Nov 1, 2011

Blomberg on Church Discipline

Craig Blomberg has a good discussion on church discipline here.

Oct 31, 2011

Figures of Speech in Proverbs

On a whim, I recently picked up a little paperback volume on Proverbs by William Mouser published in 1983. I have to admit I have enjoyed working through parts of this book. It is clear and concise. One example is the following statement which I found both simple but helpful.

"All the major figures of speech you will encounter in the proverbs of Solomon operate according to one of two devices" comparison and substitution."

Mouser goes on to note that the comparative devices in Proverbs are similes, metaphors, and hypocatastasis. The substitutionary devices involve synechdoches and metonymies.

William E. Mouser, Jr., Walking in Wisdom: Studying the Proverbs of Solomon (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1983), 101.

Oct 30, 2011

Latest Issue of the Criswell Theological Review

The Fall 2011 issue of the Criswell Theological Review is now out. The table of contents are as follows.

Editor’s Page

Elements of Irony: History and Rhetoric in Ezekiel 20:1–44
Rusty Osborne

“Rejoice, O Gentiles, With His People”: Paul's Intra-Jewish Rhetoric in Philippians 3:1–9
Christopher Zoccali

God's Humility: Reflections on an Unappreciated Attribute of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Glenn R. Kreider
The Land as Covenant Backdrop: A Modest Response To Burge and Waltke
A.Boyd Luter

Calvin's Concept of Imperfect Faith: Faith in Relation to its Object
Joseph L. Bresnahan

Index to Criswell Theological Review, O.S.
David L. Brooks and Evan Brooks

Book Reviews

Index of Book Reviews