Feb 16, 2013

Old Testament Yearbook

This Old Testament yearbook came out last year but I must have missed it.

Feb 15, 2013

Douglas Stuart on "My Favorite Mistranslations"

In case you missed it, Dr. Douglas Stuart recently gave a series of messages at Dallas Theological Seminary on the topic of "My Favorite Mistranslations." These messages were part of the annual W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectures. Video for the four messages can be accessed here.

My Favorite Mistranslations (1 Kings 19:12)
My Favorite Mistranslations (Hosea 1:2 and 3:1)
My Favorite Mistranslations (Genesis 3:8; Proverbs 22:6)
My Favorite Mistranslations (Jonah 1:2)  

Feb 14, 2013

A Balanced Reading of the Song of Solomon

In honor of St. Valentine's Day, see this good post by Nick Nowalk on the Song of Solomon.

Feb 13, 2013

Interview with John J. Collins

You can listen to Terry Gross's Fresh Air interview with John J. Collins related to the Dead Sea Scrolls here.

Feb 12, 2013

Two Sale Titles from Westminster

Here are two titles that may be of interest to readers of the blog from the Westminster Bookstore. This is a limited-time sale.
Tim Keller's Galatians For You: For Reading, For Feeding, For Leading for $11.00 (52% off). Or buy 5 or more and get 57% off or $10 each. 

Sidney Greidanus's Preaching Christ from Daniel for $20.40 (40% off). I have really appreciated Greidanus's work.

Feb 11, 2013

Free Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis

Logos is offering a free pre-publication special for Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis. Here is the description from Logos.

Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis—also known by the designated siglum D and 05—is one of the five most important early uncial manuscripts that contain part of the Greek New Testament. Dating from the fifth century, this bilingual (Greek and Latin) manuscript includes the complete Gospel of Luke, along with portions of Matthew, John, Mark, Acts, and a small fragment from 3 John. It was rediscovered in the sixteenth century and came into the hands of Theodore Beza, one of Calvin’s successors, who gifted it to the University of Cambridge in 1581.

Among the major manuscript witnesses of the New Testament, Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis is perhaps the most enigmatic. The Gospels are organized in the “Western” order, with Matthew and John coming first, followed by Luke and Mark. Perhaps the most intriguing features of Bezae are the significant additions and omissions, seen most prominently in the book of Acts.

Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis is referenced in numerous grammars, lexicons, critical apparatuses, commentaries, journal articles, and monographs. The Logos edition of these transcriptions will be of great benefit to students, scholars, pastors, and laypeople interested in New Testament textual criticism.

You can pre-order here.

Feb 10, 2013

Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below.

Martin Bauspieß
Geschichte und Erkenntnis im lukanischen Doppelwerk: Eine exegetische Untersuchung zu einer christlichen Perspektive auf Geschichte
Reviewed by Nils Neumann

Darrell L. Bock
A Theology of Luke and Acts: God's Promised Program, Realized for All Nations
Reviewed by Ulrich Busse

Aaron Demsky
Literacy in Ancient Israel [Hebrew]
Reviewed by David A. Glatt-Gilad

Daniel Durken, ed.
The New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament
Reviewed by Ernest Van Eck

Daniel K. Falk, Sarianna Metso, Donald W. Parry, and Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar, eds.
Qumran Cave 1 Revisited: Texts from Cave 1 Sixty Years after Their Discovery: Proceedings of the Sixth Meeting of the IOQS in Ljubljana
Reviewed by Samuel Thomas

Lars Hartman
Mark for the Nations: A Text- and Reader-Oriented Commentary
Reviewed by Robert M. Fowler

Benedikt Hensel
Die Vertauschung des Erstgeburtssegens in der Genesis: Eine Analyse der narrativ-theologischen Grundstruktur des ersten Buches der Tora
Reviewed by Michael S. Moore

Rainer Metzner
Kaiphas. Der Hohepriester jenes Jahres: Geschichte und Deutung
Reviewed by Thomas Bergholz

Stanley E. Porter and Jason C. Robinson
Hermeneutics: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory
Reviewed by Anthony C. Thiselton

Allen P. Ross
Commentary on the Psalms, Volume 1: 1-41
Reviewed by Leonard Mare

This issue also includes a response to a previous review.

Simon P. Stocks has commented on the December 2012 review of his The Form and Function of the Tricolon in the Psalms of Ascents. See http://rblnewsletter.blogspot.com/2012/12/20121227-stocks-form-and-function-of.html#comment-form