Sep 18, 2010

The Sacrificial Lamb

Today is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Here is a video produced by SourceFlix. Watch and reflect.

The Sacrificial Lamb from SourceFlix on Vimeo.

HT: Todd Bolen

Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews that may be of interest from a Bible Exposition perspective include:

Luísa Maria Varela Almendra
Um debate sobre o conhecimento de Deus: Composição e interpretação de Jb 32-37
Reviewed by Gilbert Lozano

Gary A. Anderson
Sin: A History
Reviewed by Joseph Lam

Ruth A. Clements and Daniel R. Schwartz, eds.
Text, Thought, and Practice in Qumran and Early Christianity: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, Jointly Sponsored by the Hebrew University Center for the Study of Christianity, 11-13 January, 2004
Reviewed by John Kampen

Thomas B. Dozeman
Reviewed by Frank H. Polak

Marlis Gielen
Paulus im Gespräch-Themen paulinischer Theologie
Reviewed by Günter Röhser

Philip A. Harland
Dynamics of Identity in the World of the Early Christians: Associations, Judeans, and Cultural Minorities
Reviewed by Eric Rowe

Avaren Ipsen
Sex Working and the Bible
Reviewed by Ronald Clark

Magnar Kartveit
The Origin of the Samaritans
Reviewed by Thomas Hieke

Ernst Axel Knauf
Josua: Zürcher Bibelkommentare AT, Band 6
Reviewed by Marvin A. Sweeney

John R. Levison
Filled with the Spirit
Reviewed by Randall J. Pannell

Laura Nasrallah and Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, eds.
Prejudice and Christian Beginnings: Investigating Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in Early Christianity
Reviewed by Christopher Zeichmann

Wolfgang Oswald
Staatstheorie im Alten Israel: Der politische Diskurs im Pentateuch und in den Geschichtsbüchern des Alten Testaments
Reviewed by Klaus-Peter Adam

Andrzej S. Turkanik
Of Kings and Reigns: A Study of Translation Technique in the Gamma/Gamma Section of 3 Reigns (1 Kings)
Reviewed by Johann Cook

Vernon Grounds 1914-2010

See this
announcement from Denver Seminary on the death of Vernon Grounds.

Sep 17, 2010

Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop and Hebrews: An Interview With David Allen

David Allen, Professor of Preaching, Director of the Southwestern Center for Expository Preaching, George W. Truett Chair of Ministry, and Dean of the School of Theology at Southwestern Bapt
ist Theological Seminary recently agreed to answer five question about the upcoming Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop featuring the book of Hebrews and his recent commentary on Hebrews.

What is an Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop?

The Center for Expository Preaching at Southwestern Baptist theological Seminary offers two expository preaching workshops every year. The first workshop (Expository Preaching Workshop) is held in the spring. This workshop consists of two days of instruction on the philosophy, theory, and methodology of expository preaching. The presenters are well-known expositors drawn from all over the United States. The second workshop (Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop) is held in the fall. This workshop will take a book of the Bible (in this case Hebrews) and seek to apply the philosophy, theory, and methodology of exposition to that book. The advanced workshop will have presentations on the book (e.g., its structure, theology) and how to preach the book (e.g., preaching plan
s, example sermon). The advanced workshop is presented by expositors selected from Southwestern’s faculty.

Who should attend the Advanced Expository Preaching workshop?

The Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop is designed for pastors and preachers who want to review, retool, or refresh their expository preaching skills. While the workshop is designed for pastors and preachers, Bible college or seminary students interested in expository preaching and/or the book of Hebrews will also benefit. In fact, Sunday school teachers and other laypersons have attended previous workshops to become better equipped to serve in their churches.

What can pastors and preachers hope to take away from this workshop?

They can expect to receive very practical insights into the book of Hebrews and how to preach the book expositionally. Each attendee will receive notes from the sessions and even lunch is included with registration. Book tables containing some of the better resources on Hebrews will also be available for purchase as well.

Why the book of Hebrews?

The Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop is committed to teaching the whole counsel of Scripture. So we alternate our book selections between the Old
and New Testaments. Last year the workshop tackled Psalms (see here for free audio) and so this year we were looking at a book from the New Testament. Since I had recently published two books on Hebrews (a monograph on the authorship of Hebrews and a commentary on Hebrews), the preaching faculty felt that Hebrews would be a logical choice for this year’s workshop.

I know that you recently published a commentary on Hebrews. Can you tell us a little about that commentary?

My commentary on Hebrews is in New American Commentary series, an exe
getical and theological exposition of Scripture published by Broadman & Holman. The commentary itself is 671 pages. While it is not the first commentary on Hebrews to utilize linguistic principles and discourse analysis, it does seek to apply these exegetical approaches, especially as it relates to the structure of the book. This commentary contains the most extensive treatment, in a published commentary, of the crux interpretum 6:1–8 (54 pp.) that I am aware of. Another distinctive feature of the commentary is my belief that Luke is the author of Hebrews. Finally, as a preacher and teacher myself, I have tried to produce a commentary that will truly help preachers and teachers to preach and teach this book.

Sep 16, 2010

Preaching the Book of Numbers

The Old Testament in general, and the Book of Numbers in particular are often neglected in the pulpit. One explanation for this unfortunate neglect may be that,

“Fledgling preachers often tend to regard the Old Testament as someone else’s story. If this were rooted in genuine respect for Judaism's history and traditions, it would be one thing. But more often than not, it springs from a sense that Christians ‘have gotten beyond all that.’ Fledgling pastors are the products of their Christian upbringing, so it is probably safe to assume that their attitude reflects a fundamental confusion in the church as to how to appropriate not just the book of Numbers but the entire Old Testament.”

Carol Bechtel Reynolds, “Life After Grace: Preaching from the Book of Numbers,” Interpretation 51:1: 268.

Sep 15, 2010


Readers of this blog know that I am a big fan of Todd Bolen's work, especially his picture CD's. If you don't already get his e-mail newsletter you really should subscribe. The newsletter is both informative and free. You can subscribe

In his most recent newsletter Todd noted that "in conjunction with a com
plete overhaul of the BiblePlaces webstore, we were offering a big discount for a brief time. Today and tomorrow only you can purchase the complete four-volume electronic edition of Picturesque Palestine for $20, including free shipping in the US. Picturesque Palestine was published in four large volumes in 1881 and it was an immediate success. But there were many travel type books published in the 19th century that are no longer of much interest. What makes Picturesque Palestine still valuable is that it was written by the best scholars of the day. If you’ve done much research about the Holy Land, you’ll be familiar with names like Charles Wilson, Henry B. Tristram, Claude Conder, Mary Eliza Rogers, Charles Warren, Edward Palmer, and others."

To get the discounted price, use this
link. The collection will be in your cart with the discount applied when you are ready to checkout. The offer ends on Thursday, 9/16 at 11:59 pm.

More Advice from Kevin DeYoung

Kevin DeYoung listed some good advice to theological students and young pastors yesterday. He adds to that list today. Read it here.

Job's Response to His Trials

In Job 1-2, Job’s godly response to his trials is affirmed positively by the narrator (1:22; 2:10), by God 2:3, by Satan (implicitly in 2:4), and by Job’s wife (2:9). Job’s trials did not make him a godly man. Rather, Job's response to his trials confirmed that he was a godly man.

Sep 14, 2010

Advice for Theological Students and Young Pastors

Kevin DeYoung has some good advice for theological students and young pastors

Sep 13, 2010

Paul, Christology, and Soteriology

"Since the Christian message is one of salvation, it is not surprising that Saint Paul's christology begins as a soteriology. Here we have a great intervention of God in the world of men, a drama of which God is the author and in which Christ is the central figure. The action begins with Christ's death, and continues through his resurrection, the preaching of his gospel, the concerted resistance of powers inimical to Christ, and the persecution of the gospel preachers. It comes to a climax in Christ's final victory and second coming. It would be wrong to suppose that the whole drama was played out on the cross, once and for all, and thereafter reproduced as a mystery, or shared in by the faith of believers participating in the fruits of Christ's victory. The power of God is the same throughout the whole action of Christ's death and resurrection, and in the preaching of the gospel and the salvation of believers (Rom. 1:16). At the parousia, this same power will receive its full manifestation. God is always at work, saving men through Christ, from Good Friday until the last day."

Lucien Cerfaux, Christ in the Theology of Paul (New York: Herder & Herder, 1959), 11.

Sep 12, 2010

The Relationship Between Galatians and Acts

Phillip J. Long has a nice post summarizing the work of Talbert on the various options regarding the relationship of Galatians and Acts. I also happen to agree with Long that Galatians 2 is not a reference to Acts 15 and the Jerusalem Council.

Gomer in Hosea

Any student of the Book of Hosea knows that there is a lot of discussion about Gomer's "activities" before and after God tells Hosea to marry her. While such discussions are necessary and helpful, J. Andrew Dearman gives a helpful reminder in his brand new commentary on Hosea

"In summary, Gomer's form(s) of sexual infidelity could include one or more
acts of commercial prostitution, adultery, ritual copulation to enhance fertility, and possible sex to play a sacred vow. Her sexual practices may have been influenced by syncretistic forms of Yahwism or some of the Canaanite cults. Her harlotry, however, is primarily not about her but about Israel. This is the important matter for understanding the claims of the book. Once this issue is acknowledged, it is better also to acknowledge the difficulty of moving behind the metaphorical use of sexual terms and to remain reticent, rather than to define more specifically Gomer's sexual practices. To concentrate on the person of Gomer rather than the people of Israel is to miss the forest because of attention to a symbolic tree."

J. Andrew Dearman, The Book of Hosea, NICOT, ed. Robert L. Hubbard Jr (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010), 367.