The latest articles from of the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament are available now. Here is a list of the articles and links to abstracts. The article by Johnson is open access.
A new approach to Jephthah’s vow: Antanaclasis (Judges 10–11)
Hee-Sook Bae
The Most High God vs. Nabû: A God of Letters, Wisdom, and Fate Who Can(not) Read, Understand, or Foretell
Sanghwan Lee
The Anti-Levite of Judges 17-18
Davide D’Amico
The Woman from Tekoa (2 Sam. 14) and the Character of Judicial Wisdom in Ancient Israel
Dylan R. Johnson
Marginal characters: A strategy of persuasion in 1–2 Samuel
Julian C. Chike
Economics and Urdeuteronomium: A response to Kåre Berge, Diana Edelman, Philippe Guillaume, and Benedetta Rossi
Sandra Lynn Richter