Emphasis on the mission to the world in Acts does not begin in Acts 1:8. Hints of the universal spread of the gospel are found already in the Gospel of Luke. Brian Rosner has noted the following six hints to the universal gospel in Luke’s narrative.
(1) The prophecy of Simon in 2:32, a quotation of Isaiah 42:6 (cf., Acts 13:47), which indicates that salvation is in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles. (2) John the Baptist’s ministry to Roman soldiers in 2:1; 3:1,14. (3) Jesus’ reading of Isaiah 61 in the synagogue in Nazareth and his commendation of the Gentiles in Luke 4:16-30 . . . (4) The portrayal of Jesus as the ‘Friend of tax collectors and sinners’ (7:34), those on the edge of Jewish society (cf.,esp. 5:27-39; 19:5-7). (5) The prominence of women in Jesus’ ministry, from Elizabeth and Mary, through Mary and Martha, to the women witnesses of the resurrection (6) The response of Samaritans to Jesus which forms a focus of interest of Luke (9:51-56; 10:25-37; cf., Acts 8:4-24), more so than for the other Gospels.
Brian J. Rosner, “The Progress of the Word,” in Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of Acts, ed. I. Howard Marshall and David Peterson (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998), 220.
Regular readers of this blog know of my interests in archaeology and the Bible. But it is also important to keep in mind the inherent limitations of archaeology as it relates to biblical studies. Victor Matthews provides the following helpful list of the limitations of archaeology:
-The material remains uncovered by archaeologists are always incomplete. -Interpretation of artifacts and excavation sites, like interpretation of the biblical text, involves subjective judgements that are vulnerable to revision or being discredited. -Archaeology cannot prove or disprove the truth of the biblical narrative or its theological statements. -Archaeological evidence cannot and should not be the only data used to interpret the Bible or the world of ancient Israel. -Because scientific methods are constantly being improved, archaeological data is subject to reexamination. But even this is not always possible if previous excavators have destroyed data by trying to "get down" to biblical levels or have failed to adequately record and publish the results of their work.
Victor H. Matthews, Studying the Ancient Israelites: A Guide to Sources and Methods (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2007), 90.
Readers might be interested in two items Christianbook.com's mid-week mark down sale (good for today only). Just click on the links below. Price does not include postage.
Todd Bolen at Bibleplaces.com and Lifeintheholyland.com has produced a new set of pictures of the Holy Land. This new collection, “The American Colony and the Eric Matson Collection,” is part of the Historic Views of the Holy Land series. The entire collection was five years in the making and contains 4,300 images from 1898 to the 1940’s in jpg and PowerPoint format, spanning eight CD volumes. After spending a good part of an afternoon (and still not looking at everything), I can commend this collection to you for at least three reasons. First, while there are a number of places where one can access recent pictures of places in Israel, it is much harder to find good older pictures. Having been to Israel twice, I am amazed at how much I recognized but also how much things have changed over the years. Second, I recommend this collection because it is so carefully and helpfully organized and labeled. This is a great time saver when you are looking for a particular image. Third, this collection is valuable because all the images have been placed into PowerPoint presentations with labeling. Once again this is a valuable time saver for those interested in teaching/presenting or merely viewing the pictures. With a few clicks of the mouse you can be good to go.
The individual CD’s will be released at the rate of one volume a month. Or you can purchase the entire collection now at the discounted price of $99 here. This month’s release is the Northern Palestine volume ($20) here.