The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member.
Sonja Ammann
Götter für die Toren: Die Verbindung von Götterpolemik und Weisheit im Alten Testament
Reviewed by Christl M. Maier
M. Daniel Carroll R. and J. Blair Wilgus, eds.
Wrestling with the Violence of God: Soundings in the Old Testament
Reviewed by Eric A. Seibert
Jordi Cervera I Valls
Jesús en la Carta als Hebreus: Una cristologia de matriu jueva
Reviewed by Jeffrey L. Morrow
James H. Charlesworth, Lee Martin McDonald, and Blake A. Jurgens, eds.
Sacra Scriptura: How “Non-canonical” Texts Functioned in Early Judaism and Early Christianity
Reviewed by Tobias Nicklas
Jørgen Christensen-Ernst
Antioch on the Orontes: A History and a Guide
Reviewed by Mark Wilson
Sean Freyne
The Jesus Movement and Its Expansion: Meaning and Mission
Reviewed by Richard Horsley
Reviewed by Brian J. Wright
Heather M. Gorman
Interweaving Innocence: A Rhetorical Analysis of Luke’s Passion Narrative (Luke 22:66–23:49)
Reviewed by Steve Smith
Yaakov Huster
Ashkelon 5: The Land behind Ashkelon
Reviewed by Carol Meyers
Andrew Knapp
Royal Apologetic in the Ancient Near East
Reviewed by Danny Mathews
Halvor Moxnes
A Short History of the New Testament
Reviewed by Dieter T. Roth
Jack M. Sasson
Judges 1–12: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Reviewed by Victor H. Matthews
Michael K. Snearly
The Return of the King: Messianic Expectation in Book V of the Psalter
Reviewed by Richard Bautch
Max Stern
Psalms and Music: Influences of the Psalms on Western Music
Reviewed by James F. McGrath
Eric J. Tully
The Translation and Translator of the Peshitta of Hosea
Reviewed by Jerome A. Lund
Feb 11, 2017
Feb 10, 2017
Do Theological Studies Majors Work Hard?
I think they do. But according to this study, not nearly as hard as STEM majors. Theological studies majors come in at 30 out of 86 majors. At least we beat philosophy which comes in at 31.
Bible College,
Theological Education
Feb 9, 2017
New Dead Sea Scrolls Cave
This was heavily reported yesterday but just in case you missed it, a new cave, the twelfth, that likely held some Dead Sea Scrolls has been discovered and excavated. Unfortunately, no new scrolls or fragments of scrolls with texts were found. But they did find, pieces of six jars consistent with those that contained scrolls found in the other caves, papyrus and parchment fragments, a leather strap that might have been used to tie scrolls, Neolithic flint tools, and a carnelian stamp seal. Two modern pickaxes were also found, suggesting that the cave had been looted.
There are too many sources to list. But the Hebrew University of Jerusalem story has links for good quality photos here. The Logos Academic blog has additional photos and explanation here. The Washington Post has a good article here.
Although it is bit early to tell, this discovery might support at least two points. First, there are likely other caves yet to be discovered. Second, that some of the recent Dead Sea Scrolls fragments that have been sold recently might be authentic. But great caution should be exercised before we know more.
There are too many sources to list. But the Hebrew University of Jerusalem story has links for good quality photos here. The Logos Academic blog has additional photos and explanation here. The Washington Post has a good article here.
Although it is bit early to tell, this discovery might support at least two points. First, there are likely other caves yet to be discovered. Second, that some of the recent Dead Sea Scrolls fragments that have been sold recently might be authentic. But great caution should be exercised before we know more.
Feb 8, 2017
Paul's Departure from Malta?
February 8 is one suggested date for Paul's departure from Malta. You can read more about it here.
Feb 7, 2017
H.B. Charles on Biblical Preaching
You can read H. B. Charles' understanding of biblical preaching here.
Biblical Preaching,
Expository Preaching,
The Imminent Return of Christ and the Canon
Michael Kruger has a good discussion here on what implications that an imminent return of Christ might of had on the production of Scripture. Kruger seems skeptical that the early church had an expectation of the imminence of the Lord's return but argues that even if they did, the conclusions regarding the writing of Scripture are wrong. I happen to think that the early church had an expectation of imminence but Kruger is right that this would not necessarily mean that such an expectation would have precluded the desire or need for Scripture.
Feb 6, 2017
Abandoning Scriptural Authority
This article has been out a few days, but D. A. Carson's article here is worth reading.
Feb 5, 2017
Preaching Tips
Trinity College principal Emma Ineson recently posted a request on Facebook for preaching tips from alumni and friends could that could be shared in an Introduction to Preaching module she was about to teach. Here is a post on the results and an edited compilation of the tips can be accessed on this PDF.
HT: Antony Billington
HT: Antony Billington
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