The Gospel-Filled Wallet by Jeff Weddle is the first offering from Transforming Publishing, a brand-new publishing effort started by Milton Stanley, a fellow blo

Question: How did The Gospel-Filled Wallet come about?
In recent years I have helped many people move and seen several people die. The observations of the accumulation of stuff and the amount of life it wastes began to gnaw at me. As I read the Bible, I saw a consistent message that backed up my observations: stuff does not help; it only hinders. I became fascinated by the Bible's consistent message on the dangers of money and possessions.
Question: Why did you write The Gospel-Filled Wallet?
There is almost a complete lack of attention in the modern church to the Bible's warnings about materialism. I thought I could do my part to warn professed believers about the dangers of worldliness and its inevitable effects on their faith
Question: What is the main thesis of the book?
Money will ruin your faith, so get rid of it biblically and quickly.
Question: Who do you think should read this book?
Anyone who wants to know how the Gospel will influence your monetary habits.
Question: What do you hope to accomplish through this book?
I hope to cause Believers to carefully think about their money, possessions and the Gospel. I hope to convict the reader about how they spend money. I desire to see the Gospel demonstrated more in Believers' spending habits. In the end, this book was written for me, to convict me and get my priorities straight. If it helps anyone else, that is only a bonus of God's grace.