Dec 31, 2021

Psalm 63

I am working on a commentary on the Psalms. I have decided to compile some helpful links that I discovered during my research. It includes a mix of exegetical and sermonic links. Here is what I have for Psalm 63 (in no particular order). Feel free to mention any that you find helpful in the comments section.

Analysis by C. J. Labuschagne:

Bruce Waltke:

William Barrick’s notes:

The Fathers on Psalm 63:

Psalm 63 devotional: Daniel Akin sermon resources:

Dec 30, 2021

Three Mistakes when Reading the Church Fathers

Roger Pearse has a helpful post here related to errors commonly made in reading the Church Fathers.

Dec 29, 2021

New Year's Resolutions

Apparently, asking about New Year's resolutions are not just the purview of football coaches like Bill Belichick. Just in time for illustrating all those New Year's sermons, Lifeway Research. surveyed 1,005 people about their resolutions. You should read the article here but the results are below.


Dec 28, 2021

The Ultimate Biblical Archaeology List

Todd Bolen gives a very comprehensive and helpful overview of notable biblical archaeology discoveries, stories, resources, etc. from 2021 here. If you are not a regular reader of Todd's blog, you should be.

Dec 26, 2021

Dec 24, 2021

Dec 22, 2021

Psalm 62

I am working on a commentary on the Psalms. I have decided to compile some helpful links that I discovered during my research. It includes a mix of exegetical and sermonic links. Here is what I have for Psalm 62 (in no particular order). Feel free to mention any that you find helpful in the comments section.

Analysis by C. J. Labuschagne:

William Barrick’s notes:

Psalm 62 devotional: