Oct 8, 2011

Latest Issue of the Bulletin for Biblical Research: Vol. 21 No. 3

Main articles:

Distinguishing the Angel of the Lord
Andrew S. Malone

The Seventy Sevens of Daniel: A Timetable for the Future?
Richard S. Hess

Otho: A Targeted Comparison of Seutonius’s Biography and Tacitus’s History, with Implications for the Gospel’s Historical Reliability

Craig S. Keener

The Temple and the Thorn: 2 Corinthians 12 and Paul’s Heavenly Ecclesiology

Jason B. Hood

Angels of the Churches in Revelation 1–3: Status Quaestionis and Another Proposal

Everett Ferguson 

Oct 7, 2011

The Verbs in Jonah

George Athas has a nice post on how knowing Hebrew helps in understanding the function of the verbs in Jonah. You can the post here.

The Word Visualized

Those who know me know that I am big proponent of the importance of biblical literacy. Nothing beats actually reading and remembering the text of Scripture. Thankfully, there are a variety of resources to help in this task. I came across one such resource recently entitled The Word Visualized. According to the website for this resource,

“SVR (See, Visualize, Remember) is the exciting new way for adults to grasp the Bible in it's entirety, chapter by chapter, and remember it. Unlike anything else, it uses contextual, patterned and linear graphics to help virtually anyone understand the Bible better.”

The graphics are well done and creative. I would encourage you to check it out

Oct 6, 2011

Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below.

John Fitzgerald, Fika J. van Rensburg, and Herrie van Rooy, eds.
Animosity, the Bible, and Us: Some European, North American, and South African Perspectives
Reviewed by Roland Boer
John Gray
The Book of Job
Reviewed by Norman Habel
Robert J. V. Hiebert
"Translation Is Required": The Septuagint in Retrospect and Prospect
Reviewed by Karen Jobes
Harald Knobloch
Die nachexilische Prophetentheorie des Jeremiabuches
Reviewed by Christl M. Maier
Daniel Marguerat
Reception of Paulinism in Acts: Reception du paulinisme dans les Actes des apotres
Reviewed by David Lincicum
Hindy Najman
Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity
Reviewed by Marius Nel
Laura Nasrallah, Charalambos Bakirtzis, and Steven J. Friesen, eds.
From Roman to Early Christian Thessalonikē: Studies in Religion and Archaeology
Reviewed by Karl P. Donfried
Alvaro Pereira Delgado
De apostol a esclavo: El exemplum de Pablo en 1 Corintios 9
Reviewed by Panayotis Coutsoumpos
Zuleika Rodgers
A Wandering Galilean: Essays in Honour of Seán Freyne
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz
David F. Watson
Honor among Christians: The Cultural Key to the Messianic Secret
Reviewed by Jonathan A. Draper

Oct 5, 2011

One Take on the Recent Wallace and. Ehrman Debate

I was not able to attend the recent debate between Dan Wallace and Bart Ehrman. But I enjoyed Barry Creamer's thoughts on the debate here

Oct 4, 2011

A Resource for Christian Faculty

Those involved in education might be interested in InterVarsity's faculty ministry's new e-mail chronicle called "The Lamp Post." You can read about it here.

Oct 3, 2011

Dr. Stanley D. Toussaint

This video has been out for a few weeks now, but if you haven't seen it, I would encourage you to watch it. Dr. Toussaint is one of my heroes in the faith and I count it as one of my life's blessings to know him and minister with him.

Oct 2, 2011

Free Audio Download of Think by John Piper


Christianaudio.com is offering a free audio download of Think  by John Piper for the month of October. For more details and instructions go here.