The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member to read them.
Barry J. Beitzel, Where Was the Biblical Red Sea? Examining the Ancient Evidence
David Ben-Gad HaCohen
Nuria Calduch-Benages, For Wisdom’s Sake: Collected Essays on the Book of Ben Sira
Room Wischmeyer
Jan Dušek, ed., The Samaritans in Historical, Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives
Christian Stadel
Matthias Klinghardt, The Oldest Gospel and the Formation of the Canonical Gospels
Oleg Andreev
John S. Kloppenborg, Christ’s Associations: Connecting and Belonging in the Ancient City
Peter Oakes
Mateusz Kusio, The Antichrist Tradition in Antiquity: Antimessianism in Second Temple and Early Christian Literature
Brandon R. Grafius
Sarianna Metso, The Community Rule: A Critical Edition with Translation
Jeff Cross
Kathleen M. O’Connor, Genesis 25B–50
Joel M. LeMon
Ryan S. Schellenberg, Abject Joy: Paul, Prison, and the Art of Making Do
Akio Ito
Sigve K. Tonstad, The Letter to the Romans: Paul among the Ecologists
Cherryl Hunt