Oct 6, 2012
Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature
The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below.
Reinhard G. Kratz and Hermann Spieckermann, eds.
One God-One Cult-One Nation: Archaeological and Biblical Perspectives
Reviewed by Aren Maeir
Matthew Morgenstern
Studies in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Based Upon Early Eastern Manuscripts
Reviewed by Aaron Koller
T. Muraoka
A Grammar of Qumran Aramaic
Reviewed by Adam McCollum
Raj Nadella
Dialogue Not Dogma: Many Voices in the Gospel of Luke
Reviewed by Jean-François Racine
Bezalel Porten
The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change
Reviewed by Jeremy Hutton
Reviewed by Jerome A. Lund
Seth D. Postell
Adam as Israel: Genesis 1-3 as the Introduction to the Torah and Tanakh
Reviewed by L. Michael Morales
Armand Puig I Tàrrech
Jesus: A Biography
Reviewed by V. George Shillington
Gordon J. Wenham
Psalms as Torah: Reading Biblical Song Ethically
Reviewed by Joseph R. Kelly
Anne-Laure Zwilling
Frères et sours dans la Bible: Les relations fraternelles mises en récit dans l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament
Reviewed by Jean-Paul Michaud
Oct 5, 2012
Lecture Series on Bible History and Archeology
Oct 4, 2012
More on Genre
Oct 3, 2012
Keener's Acts Commentary
I recently posted on sale prices for Criag Keener's brand new Acts commentary (see here). But both Amazon (now $34.87) and Westminster (now $35.99) have raised their prices. The best deal right now is Christian Book Distributor's "academic deal of the day" which has the commentary at $31.99 (go here). But keep in mind that the price is only good for today.
Oct 2, 2012
Free Logos Book for October: The Christian Doctrine on Prayer
The free Logos Book for October is James Hastings' The Christian Doctrine on Prayer. You can also enter to win the 20 volume Great Texts of the Bible . Go the Logos' Free Book of Month page to enter and download your free book today!
Ebook Specials from Baker Academic
Baker Academic & Brazos Press are offering some Ebook discounts for the month of October. For example, they have:
Jo-Ann Brant's John commentary in the Paideia series for $4.99 or 83% off the retail price of $29.99.
Thomas Stegman's 2 Corinthians commentary in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series for $4.99 or 75% off the retail price of $19.99.
Paul J. Griffiths' Song of Songs commentary in the Brazos Theological Commentary series for $4.99 or 85% off the retail price of $32.99
There other books as well. Go to this link for other titles and links to purchase.
HT: Joseph Abraham
Oct 1, 2012
Free Audio of How Should Christians Vote? by Tony Evans
Christianaudio.com's free audiobook download for the month of October is How Should Christians Vote? by Tony Evans. Here is the publisher's description:
"Christians are a large and influential voting block today. But as each governmental election approaches, an increasing polarity occurs within those claiming the Christian faith. This comes as a result of party-voting rather than voting according to Biblical mandates and authority. To refocus correctly, Dr. Tony Evans goes back to the basics and teaches on how God established government as a divine institution whose tasks include promoting the well-being of those within its realm and protection from evil.
"Scripture trumps all political alliances making the voting decision a critical opportunity for Christians to promote God's Word and His values through whom they elect. In the face of increasing emotions the Christians representing God's kingdom values should communicate His truths in a manner reflective of the King - in a gracious and strategic way. Dr. Evans also looks at the necessary qualities in a good candidate which include intellect, education, competency, skill and spiritual beliefs - whether certain issues are non-negotiables, and how a responsible citizen is to research a candidates' position in order to evaluate it against God's Word."
For more information or to get your download go here.
Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature
The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below.
Peter H. Davids
2 Peter and Jude: A Handbook on the Greek Text
Reviewed by Terrance D. Callan
Lisbeth S. Fried, ed.
Was 1 Esdras First? An Investigation into the Priority and Nature of 1 Esdras
Reviewed by Andrew Steinmann
Detlef Jericke
Regionaler Kult und lokaler Kult: Studien zur Kult- und Religionsgeschichte Israels und Judas im 9. und 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr.
Reviewed by John Engle
Vadim Jigoulov
The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia: Being a Phoenician, Negotiating Empires
Reviewed by S. Rebecca Martin
Karen H. Jobes
Letters to the Church: A Survey of Hebrews and the General Epistles
Reviewed by Peter H. Davids
Joel S. Kaminsky and Joel N. Lohr
The Torah: A Beginner's Guide
Reviewed by Rachel S. Mikva
William Loader
The Pseudepigrapha on Sexuality: Attitudes towards Sexuality in Apocalypses, Testaments, Legends, Wisdom, and Related Literature
Reviewed by Françoise Mirguet
Barry Smith
Jesus' Twofold Teaching about the Kingdom of God
Reviewed by Daniel A. Smith
Daniel F. Stramara Jr.
God's Timetable: The Book of Revelation and the Feast of Seven Weeks
Reviewed by Daniel Streett
2 Peter and Jude: A Handbook on the Greek Text
Reviewed by Terrance D. Callan
Lisbeth S. Fried, ed.
Was 1 Esdras First? An Investigation into the Priority and Nature of 1 Esdras
Reviewed by Andrew Steinmann
Detlef Jericke
Regionaler Kult und lokaler Kult: Studien zur Kult- und Religionsgeschichte Israels und Judas im 9. und 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr.
Reviewed by John Engle
Vadim Jigoulov
The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia: Being a Phoenician, Negotiating Empires
Reviewed by S. Rebecca Martin
Karen H. Jobes
Letters to the Church: A Survey of Hebrews and the General Epistles
Reviewed by Peter H. Davids
Joel S. Kaminsky and Joel N. Lohr
The Torah: A Beginner's Guide
Reviewed by Rachel S. Mikva
William Loader
The Pseudepigrapha on Sexuality: Attitudes towards Sexuality in Apocalypses, Testaments, Legends, Wisdom, and Related Literature
Reviewed by Françoise Mirguet
Barry Smith
Jesus' Twofold Teaching about the Kingdom of God
Reviewed by Daniel A. Smith
Daniel F. Stramara Jr.
God's Timetable: The Book of Revelation and the Feast of Seven Weeks
Reviewed by Daniel Streett
Sep 30, 2012
Mapping Archeological Sites in Israel
The Israel Antiquities Authority has been working on a project since 1964 to map every historical and archaeological site west of the Jordan. The project may take decades to complete. You can read about the project in this story.
A Spectrum of Views on the Gender Debate
Adrian Warnock has posted a helpful discussion of the spectrum of views in the gender debate between complementarians and egalitarians here.
Gender Debate
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