Oct 9, 2021

The Latest Issue of the Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member to read them.

Zhodi Angami, Tribals, Empire and God: A Tribal Reading of the Birth of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel
Reviewed by Derek S. Dodson

Leonard Greenspoon, Jewish Bible Translations: Personalities, Passions, Politics, Progress
Reviewed by Marvin A. Sweeney

Eva Günther, Wisdom as a Model for Jesus’ Ministry: A Study on the “Lament over Jerusalem” in Matt 23:37–39 Par. Luke 13:34–35
Reviewed by Kai Akagi

Innocent Himbaza, ed., The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute, Held in Fribourg (October 2015)
Reviewed by Theo A. W. van der Louw

Magnar Kartveit and Gary N. Knoppers, eds., The Bible, Qumran, and the Samaritans
Reviewed by Christian Stadel

Jon C. Laansma and Randall X. Gauthier, The Handy Guide to Difficult and Irregular Greek Verbs: Aids for Readers of the Greek New Testament
Reviewed by Sung Cho

Sarianna Metso,The Community Rule: A Critical Edition with Translation
Reviewed by Rob Kugler

Barbara A. Richter, The Theology of Hathor of Dendera: Aural and Visual Scribal Techniques in the Per-Wer Sanctuary
Reviewed by J. G. Manning

Daniel S. Robinson, Fate, Freedom, and Happiness: Clement and Alexander on the Dignity of Human Responsibility
Reviewed by Frédérique Dantonel

Buyoung Son, The Subversive Chronicler: Narrative Film Theory and Canon Criticism Refocus His Intention
Reviewed by D. Allen Hutchison

Oct 8, 2021

Psalm 55

I have been working on a commentary on the Psalms. I have decided to compile some helpful links that I discovered during my research. It includes a mix of exegetical and sermonic links. Here is what I have for Psalm 55 (in no particular order). Feel free to mention any that you find helpful in the comments section.

Into the Word with Paul Carter: https://ca.thegospelcoalition.org/into-the-word/psalm-55

Analysis by C. J. Labuschagne: https://www.labuschagne.nl/ps055.pdf

William Barrick’s notes: https://drbarrick.org/files/studynotes/Psalms/Ps_055.pdf

Psalm 55 devotional: https://www.generations.org/devotionals/68

Oct 7, 2021

Oct 6, 2021

What Is an Outline?

This semester I am teaching an introductory class on preaching. One part of sermon crafting that we discuss is outlining. I begin this discussion with what an outline is. Here is my list. Feel free to leave a comment with your additions, questions, or thoughts.
  1. Outlines are analytical aids that can help you to discerning the structure and flow of a passage. Outlines are organizational aids to help you organize and clarify your thoughts and the flow of your message.
  2. Outlines are communication aids to help your hearers to know and follow where you are going.
  3. Outlines are credibility aids that instill confidence in your hearers that you are organized and prepared (See Chapell, Christ-Centered Preaching,120).
  4. Outlines can be mnemonic aids that help you and your hearers remember and process what is being preached.

Oct 5, 2021

Top 1–2 Kings Commentaries

Nathan Lovell lists and annotates his top six 1–2 Kings commentaries on Nijay Gupta's blog here.

Oct 4, 2021

Free eBook: Jesus and the Peasants

Wipf and Stock is offering a free eBook copy of Douglas Oakman's Jesus and the Peasants. The offer is only available until October 15. Here are the instructions to get your copy.

1. Click on this link
2. Click "ADD TO CART" on the eBook option
3. Use the code "
4. Upon checkout completion, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions of how to download your free eBook

Oct 3, 2021

Free Audio Book of the Month: Humility by Andrew Murray

Christianaudio.com's free audio book for the month of May is Andrew Murray's Humility: The Beauty of Holiness. To read more about this resource and to get your free audio download in either MP3 or M4B formats go here.

The Latest Issue of the Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member to read them.

Rosie Andrious, Saint Thecla: Body Politics and Masculine Rhetoric
Reviewed by Jacob A. Lollar

Alice Ogden Bellis, ed., Jerusalem’s Survival, Sennacherib’s Departure, and the Kushite Role in 701 BCE: An Examination of Henry Aubin’s Rescue of Jerusalem
Reviewed by Paul S. Evans

Eyal Ben-Eliyahu, Identity and Territory: Jewish Perceptions of Space in Antiquity
Reviewed by Eyal Regev

David Ben-Shlomo, The Iron Age Pottery of Jerusalem: A Typographical and Technological Study
Reviewed by David Ilan

Lynn R. Huber and Rhiannon Graybill, eds., The Bible, Gender, and Sexuality: Critical Readings
Reviewed by Shelley L. Birdsong

Francisco Lozada Jr., John: History, Community, and Ideology
Reviewed by Mark A. Matson

Hughson T. Ong, The Multilingual Jesus and the Sociolinguistic World of the New Testament
Reviewed by Michaël Girardin

William C. Pohl IV, Ethical God-Talk in the Book of Job: Speaking to the Almighty
Reviewed by Katherine E. Southwood

Gabriel Rabo, Dionysius Jacob Bar Ṣalibi Syrischer Kommentar zum Römerbrief: Einleitung, Edition und Übersetzung
Reviewed by Brett LaPrad

Sigve K. Tonstad, Revelation
Reviewed by Odek Rabach