Leen Ritmeyer has a good article here on Jerusalem and the Temple Mount during the Hellenistic period.
Aug 21, 2021
Aug 20, 2021
Levirate Marriage and Deuteronomy
Although I do not agree with the author's ultimate conclusion, Sara Milstein has a nice discussion here of the practice of levirate marriage which is referenced in Deuteronomy 25:5-10 and perhaps exemplified in Ruth 4.
Aug 19, 2021
Psalm 51 Links
I have been working on a commentary on the Psalms. I have decided to compile some helpful links that I discovered during my research. It includes a mix of exegetical and sermonic links. Here is what I have for Psalm 51 (in no particular order). Feel free to mention any that you find helpful in the comments section.
Ray Stedman., “How to Handle a Bad Conscience,” Psalm 50: https://www.raystedman.org/old-testament/psalms/how-to-handle-a-bad-conscience
Analysis by C. J. Labuschagne: https://www.labuschagne.nl/ps051.pdf
John MacArthur sermon: https://www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/80-353/the-believers-confession-of-sin
William Barrick’s notes: https://drbarrick.org/files/studynotes/Psalms/Ps_051.pdf
The Fathers on Psalm 51: https://pursuingveritas.com/2019/09/17/the-fathers-on-psalm-51
Psalm 51 devotionals: https://www.generations.org/devotionals/62 and https://www.generations.org/devotionals/63
James Limburg: https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/ash-wednesday/commentary-on-psalm-511-17-4
Aug 18, 2021
The Canonical Reception of the Book of Revelation
Michael Kruger has a good overview of the canonical reception of the book of Revelation here.
Aug 17, 2021
Ryrie Online Library
I have long appreciated Charles Ryrie's gift of being able to explain complicated biblical and theological in a simple way. Now two of his children, Bruce C. Ryrie and Carolyn Ryrie Howard, and the staff and faculty at Word of Life Bible Institute, have created a website highlighting Ryrie's sermons, manuscripts, letters, etc.You can access the website here.
HT: Alf Ceniga
Aug 16, 2021
Psalm 50 Links
I have been working on a commentary on the Psalms. I have decided to compile some helpful links that I discovered during my research. It includes a mix of exegetical and sermonic links. Here is what I have for Psalm 50 (in no particular order). Feel free to mention any that you find helpful in the comments section.
The Text this Week: http://www.textweek.com/writings/psalm50.htm
Ray Stedman., “Here Comes the Judge,” Psalm 50: https://www.raystedman.org/old-testament/psalms/here-comes-the-judge
Into the Word with Paul Carter: https://ca.thegospelcoalition.org/into-the-word/psalm-50
Analysis by C. J. Labuschagne: https://www.labuschagne.nl/ps050.pdf
William Barrick’s notes: https://drbarrick.org/files/studynotes/Psalms/Ps_050.pdf
Psalm 50 devotional: https://www.generations.org/devotionals/61
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Dead Religion: https://www.mljtrust.org/sermons-online/psalms-50-1-23/dead-religion