Jun 19, 2021

The Latest Issue of the Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member to read them.

Francesco Arena, Prophetic Conflicts in Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Micah: How Post-exilic Ideologies Created the False (and the True) Prophets
Reviewed by Samuel A. Meier

Hans Boersma, Scripture as Real Presence: Sacramental Exegesis in the Early Church
Reviewed by Miriam DeCock

Walter Bührer, ed., Schriftgelehrte Fortschreibungs- und Auslegungsprozesse: Textarbeit im Pentateuch, in Qumran, Ägypten und Mesopotamien
Reviewed by Markus Zehnder

Robert H. Gundry, Peter: False Disciple and Apostate according to Saint Matthew
Reviewed by Michael Kok

David Hamidović, Claire Clivaz, and Sarah Bowen Savant, eds., Ancient Manuscripts in Digital Culture: Visualization, Data Mining, Communication
Reviewed by Clark R. Bates

David Lincicum, Ruth Sheridan, and Charles M. Stang, eds., Law and Lawlessness in Early Judaism and Early Christianity
Reviewed by Michael F. Bird

Saul M. Olyan, Violent Rituals of the Hebrew Bible
Reviewed by Laura Quick

Anders Runesson and Daniel M. Gurtner, eds., Matthew within Judaism: Israel and the Nations in the First Gospel
Reviewed by Max Botner

Eckhard Schnabel, Jesus in Jerusalem: The Last Days
Reviewed by James P. Sweeney

Brian J. Tabb, All Things New: Revelation as Canonical Capstone
Reviewed by Paul M. Hoskins

Jun 18, 2021

Where is the Wadi Zered?

David Ben-Gad HaCohen has a very interesting discussion here on the location of a wadi mentioned in the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy. I am not sure that I buy the author's final conclusions but I confess to geeking out on some of the geographical discussion.

Jun 17, 2021

William Oesterley’s Commentary on the Psalms

I have highlighted the great work the Rob Bradshaw before but he continues to provide good, out of copyright, biblical studies as free PDFs. He most recently highlighted his digitizing of William Oesterley’s Commentary on the Psalms. You can check it out here.

By the way, although it is fashionable to dismiss older works as simply out of date, there is still nuggets to glean. Recently one of my students pointed out an interesting insight into a passage that I was not aware of. I thought perhaps that he had made a novel discovery only to learn that though the more recent commentaries had not noted the point in question, an older work had. Take up and read!

Jun 15, 2021

Psalm 45 Links

I have been working on a commentary on the Psalms. I have decided to compile some helpful links that I discovered during my research. It includes a mix of exegetical and sermonic links. Here is what I have for Psalm 45 (in no particular order). Feel free to mention any that you find helpful in the comments section.

The Fathers on Psalm 45: https://pursuingveritas.com/2019/09/03/the-fathers-on-psalm-45

Ray Stedman., “The King in His Beauty,” Psalm 45: https://www.raystedman.org/old-testament/psalms/the-king-in-his-beauty

Into the Word with Paul Carter: https://ca.thegospelcoalition.org/into-the-word/psalm-45

Analysis by C. J. Labuschagne: https://www.labuschagne.nl/ps045.pdf

William Barrick’s notes: https://drbarrick.org/files/studynotes/Psalms/Ps_045.pdf Psalm 45 devotional: https://www.generations.org/devotionals/56

Jun 14, 2021

Top 12 Romans Commentaries

B. J. Oropeza lists his top 12 Romans commentaries here.

HT: Brian Small