Jun 22, 2013

Old Testament Commentary Recommendations from Princeton Theological Seminary

Although this list of recommended Old Testament commentaries from Princeton Theological Seminary is apparently not new, it was new to me. One interesting aspect of this list is that it also includes a bibliography of New Testament books as well (the NT list is not annotated).

Jun 21, 2013

Millard on Moses and Writing in Ancient Israel

Here is Alan Millard's lecture entitled, "Did Moses Know the Alphabet? Was There Writing in Ancient Israel?" from the Lanier Theological Library.

Jun 20, 2013

Free Kindle Book: Faithful Feelings: Rethinking Emotion in the New Testament

Kregel is offering Faithful Feelings: Rethinking Emotion in the New Testament by Matthew A Elliott as a free Kindle ebook here. The book is described as  an "interdisciplinary, widely researched study reclaim[ing] the vital importance of the emotions emphasized both in the lives and teaching of Jesus and Paul, as well as in the writings of John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and others." Note that the offer is good for today only.

Jun 18, 2013

Block on Christ-Centered Hermeneutics

Ed Stetzer is hosting what should be an interesting four-part series on Christ-centered hermeneutics. The four parts will be presented by,

● Dr. Daniel Block (Wheaton College)
● Dr. David Murray (Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)
● Dr. Walt Kaiser (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) 

● Dr. Bryan Chapell (Grace Presbyterian in Peoria, IL)

The first installment by Daniel Block can be read here and here. Block provides an interesting bit of push-back against Christ-centered hermeneutics.

Jun 17, 2013

Is Blogging Ministry?

Here is one answer from a blogger.

Interesting Archaelogical App

I haven't tried it out yet, but this looks like an interesting app. Architip is a new app that uses augmented reality (AR) technology to recreate what sites might have actually looked like.

HT: JoAnna Hoyt

Jun 16, 2013

Reading the Text to Preach the Text

Al Fasol, in an article entitled “Preaching from Malachi,” points out the importance careful and repeated reading of the text to be preached. Fasol states, 

“The first step, then, in preparing to preach the book of Malachi is to read the book of Malachi. Since there are only fifty-seven verses in the four chapters of the book of Malachi, plan to read the book at least thirty times. Read from your favorite version of the Bible four or five times. Next read from other versions a few times each. Finally, read from your favorite version several more times.” 

A few paragraphs later Fasol cautions,

“One of the basic, oft repeated, and most common mistakes made in preaching is the neglect of careful reading of Scripture. The ‘preacher’ who is not immersed in the Word of God usually reads ideas into Scripture rather than being fed with ideas from Scripture. The result, predictably, is an anemic, shallow, biblically inaccurate, albeit well-intentioned harangue about something that is bothering the ‘preacher’ at the moment. The best thing that can be said about such ‘preachers’ is that they are more concerned about whether their sermon idea will ‘preach’ than they are about whether their sermon idea is true.”

Al Fasol, “Preaching from Malachi,” Southwestern Journal of Theology 30 (1987): 32.

The one thing that I would add is that those who have facility with the languages should also read the text in its original language.