May 7, 2009

McKnight and Commentaries on Romans

See this
post for Scot Mcknight's recommendations concerning commentaries on Romans. He lists:

James D. G. Dunn:Romans (WBC).
Douglas Moo: The Epistle to the Romans (NICNT).
Robert Jewett: Romans (Hermenia) .
J. A. Fitzmyer: Romans (Anchor).
N. T. Wright: The New Interpreter's Bible: Romans.


Levi said...

wright and dunn have the best in my opinion. Jewett is great too. make sure you don't miss Witherington's Paul's letter to the Romans, Esler's Conflict and Identity in Romans, and Nanos' The mystery of Romans. Those are 3 great sources.

I was sent a copy of Grieb's The Story of Romans, but I haven't had a chance to go through it yet.

Charles Savelle said...

Thanks for stopping and putting your two cents in. When you go through Griebs, stop back by and let me know what you think.