Aug 7, 2009

Relevance and Preaching

“An evangelical approach to sermon form will be concerned with relevance to today's culture. Relevance must take a backseat to theology, but it does get a seat. Relevance is relevant! Who wants to be irrelevant? An evangelical approach will seek to understand the world in which we live and design sermons that are effective in communicating to that world. Sermons are different today than they were a generation ago and that is at least partly because we live in a different world. We must seek to faithfully communicate to that world. In the gospel, God stepped into our world. In designing sermons for today, as ambassadors of Christ we step into the listener's world.”

Dennis M. Cahill, The Shape of Preaching: Theory and Practice in Sermon Design (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2007), 82–3.

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