Nov 11, 2010

Upcoming: Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters

See this announcement of a new journal published through Eisenbrauns focusing on Paul and his letters. According to the announcement,

"The JSPL will present cutting-edge research for scholars, teachers, postgraduate students, and advanced undergraduates related specifically to study of the Apostle Paul and cognate areas. It is proposed that the many and diverse aspects of Pauline studies be represented and promoted by the journal. The purpose of the journal is to advance discussion on these areas of Pauline research. As such we invite submissions on the above mentioned topics that make a significant and original contribution to the field of Pauline studies." 


jps said...


Thanks for the plug. The link you are using is a temporary one that will expire in about 8 hours. Here’s the permanent one:


Charles Savelle said...

Thanks. The link has been changed.