Nov 24, 2011

Ten Tips for Reading Scripture in Public

I have been trying to improve my public reading of Scripture and I found these ten tips helpful.

1. Acknowledge that the public reading of the Scriptures is important.
2. See for yourself how interpretation and verbal nuances makes a difference.
3. Make sure you understand the meaning of the passage.
4. Become comfortable with expressing a wide range of emotions.
5. Read some children's book aloud.
6. Use the very effective communication device called the pause.
7. Look up from your reading only to reinforce the message.
8. Read; do not act.
9. Prepare ahead of time by reading aloud.
10. Be open to critique.

Daniel L. Akin, Bill Curtis, and Stephen Rummage, Engaging Exposition (Nashville: B & H Academic, 2011), 156-57.

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