Feb 17, 2012

Luke’s Use of Sources in Acts 15

"To some extent the decisions of the exegetes on the nature of the assembly or assemblies in Acts 15 depend on their view of the use of sources in the chapter. ‘Minimalists,’ like Dibelius and Haenchen, who credit virtually the whole story to Lukan composition, tend to the view that the author has here created one of those “großen lebendigen und eindrucksvollen Szenen’ that Luke regards as suited to his audience. Those, on the other hand, who view Luke less as a freewheeling author and more as a redactor of sources, try to find in the seams and cracks of the narrative signs of the weaving together of various documents and traditions."

Linda M. Maloney, “All that God had Done with them”: The Narration of the Works of God in the Early Christian Community as Described in the Acts of the Apostles, American University Studies 91 (New York: Peter Lang, 1991), 145.


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