Mar 18, 2012

Twenty-Five Charges in Jude

William Brosend has identified twenty-five charges leveled by Jude against false teachers in the Book of Jude. If this is correct, it is remarkable in that there are only twenty-five verses in Jude. In any case, here is Brosend's list.

1. intruders who have "stolen in among you"
2. long ago designated for "this condemnation"
3. ungodly
4. pervert the grace of God
5. licentious
6. deny "our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ"
7. dreamers
8. defile the flesh
9. reject authority
10. slander "the glorious ones"
11. slander "whatever they do not understand"
12. like animals
13. destroyed by "those things . . . they know by instinct"
14. blemishes on love-feasts
15. without fear
16. feed themselves (only)
17. waterless clouds, fruitless trees, wild waves, wandering stars
18. grumblers
19. malcontents
20. indulge their own lusts
21. bombastic in speech
22. flatters to their own advantage
23. worldly people
24. devoid of the Spirit
25. causers of division

William F. Brosend II, James and Jude, New Cambridge Bible Commentary (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004),186.

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