Aug 30, 2013

Seven Propositions for Preaching Ezekiel

I am making my way through Daniel Block’s new book By the River Chebar: Historical, Literary, and Theological Studies in the Book of Ezekiel. In the opening chapter entitled, “Preaching Ezekiel,” Block offers sevenpropositions* for preaching the book with authority and clarity (pp. 2–21). The propositions are as follows.

Proposition 1: In order to preach from Ezekiel with authority and clarity, we need to understand the prophet—his character (ethos), passion (pathos), and argumentation (logos).

Proposition 2: In order to preach from Ezekiel with authority and clarity, we need to understand his audience.

Proposition 3: In order to preach from Ezekiel with authority and clarity, we need to understand the nature and structure of the book.

Proposition 4: In order to preach from Ezekiel with authority and clarity, we need to understand the message that Ezekiel proclaims.

Proposition 5: In order to preach from Ezekiel with authority and clarity, we need to understand Ezekiel’s rhetorical and homiletical strategy.

Proposition 6: In order to preach from Ezekiel with authority and clarity, we need to plan carefully.

Proposition 7: In order to preach from Ezekiel with authority and clarity, we need to link his message with that of the New Testament resposibly.

*The heading in the book states that there are four propositions but Block goes on to enumerate seven so the heading must be in error (see. p. 2).

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