Oct 12, 2013

Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below.

OED Bennett and David B. Growler, eds.
Radical Christian Voices and Practice: Essays in Honour of Christopher Rowland
Reviewed by Yongbom Lee

Alexander Böhlig; Siegfried G. Richter and Peter Nagel, ends.
Die Bibel bei den Manichäern und verwandte Studien
Reviewed by Jason Beduhn

Brian Arthur Brown
Three Testaments: Torah, Gospel, and Quran
Reviewed by John Kaltner

Mary L. Coloe and Tom Thatcher, eds.
John, Qumran, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Sixty Years of Discovery and Debate
Reviewed by Jörg Frey

Deborah A. Green
The Aroma of Righteousness: Scent and Seduction in Rabbinic Life and Literature
Reviewed by Bálint Károly Zabán

Joseph A. Marchal, ed.
Studying Paul’s Letters: Contemporary Perspectives and Methods
Reviewed by Robert N. Stegmann

Victor H. Matthews and James C. Moyer
The Old Testament: Text and Context
Reviewed by Aren M. Maeir

John F. A. Sawyer
Sacred Texts and Sacred Meanings: Studies in Biblical Language and Literature
Reviewed by Albert Wolters

John H. Walton
Reviewed by Martin A. Shields

Hans-Ulrich Weidemann, ed.
Er stieg auf den Berg … und lehrte sie (Mt 5,1f.): Exegetische und rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien zur Bergpredigt
Reviewed by Edwin Broadhead

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