May 27, 2014

Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below. 

William P. Atkinson
Baptism in the Spirit: Luke-Acts and the Dunn Debate
Reviewed by Lars Kierspel

Edward Ball and Margaret Barker, eds.
‘The Unconquered Land’ and Other Old Testament Essays: Selected Studies by Rudolf Smend
Reviewed by David J. Reimer

Carol J. Dempsey and Elayne J. Shapiro
Reading the Bible, Transforming Conflict
Reviewed by Joel Stephen Williams

Desiderius Erasmus; Andrew J. Brown, ed.
VI-4 Ordinis sexti tomus quartus: Novum Testamentum ab Erasmo Recognitum, IV, Epistolae Apostolicae (secunda pars) et Apocalypsis Iohannis
Reviewed by Jerome A. Lund

Shimon Gesundheit
Three Times a Year: Studies on Festival Legislation in the Pentateuch
Reviewed by William A. Tooman

Francisco Lozada Jr. and Greg Carey, eds.
Soundings in Cultural Criticism: Perspectives and Methods in Culture, Power, and Identity in the New Testament
Reviewed by Earl Kellett

Matthew R. Malcolm
The World of 1 Corinthians: An Exegetical Source Book of Literary and Visual Backgrounds
Reviewed by Bradley J. Bitner

Kathleen M. Rochester
Prophetic Ministry in Jeremiah and Ezekiel
Reviewed by Georg Fischer

Karlheinz Schüssler
Das koptisch-sahidische Johannesvangelium sa 506 aus dem Jeremia-Kloster von Sakkara: mit Textvarianten der Handschriften in Barcelona, Cairo, Dublin, Naqlun, New York
Reviewed by Johanna Brankaer

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