Sep 23, 2014

Comparing the Crossing of the Red/Reed Sea with the Crossing of the Jordan River

I made this table for a class I am teaching.

Some Comparisons between the Crossing of the Red/Reed Sea
with the Crossing of the Jordan River
God separated the waters (14:21; 15:8)
God separated the waters (3:13, 15–16)
The waters piled up and stood up in a heap (15:8)
The waters stood and rose up in a heap (3:13, 16)
Israel passed through on dry ground (14:22, 29)
Israel passed through on dry ground (3:17; 4:22)
Moses affirmed (14:31)
Joshua affirmed (4:14)
Surrounding nations respond in fear (15:15–16)
Surrounding nations respond in fear (5:1)
Exiting Egypt
Entering Canaan