Sep 9, 2014

Journal of Biblical Literature 133:3

The lasted volume of the Journal of Biblical Literature is now out. Here is a list of the articles with links to abstracts.

Aaron D. Hornkohl, "Her Word versus His: Establishing the Underlying Text in 1 Samuel 1:23"

Mika S. Pajunen ,"4QPsx: A Collective Interpretation of Psalm 89:20–38"

Hector Avalos, "Nebuchadnezzar’s Affliction: New Mesopotamian Parallels for Daniel 4"

Stuart A. Irvine, "Idols [ktbwnm]: A Note on Hosea 13:2a"

Jonathan M. Gibson, "Cutting Off “Kith and Kin,” “Er and Onan”? Interpreting an Obscure Phrase in Malachi 2:12"

Katell Berthelot, "Reclaiming the Land (1 Maccabees 15:28–36): Hasmonean Discourse between Biblical Tradition and Seleucid Rhetoric"

Tucker S. Ferda, "Matthew's Titulus and Psalm 2’s King on Mount Zion"

Adam Winn, "Resisting Honor: The Markan Secrecy Motif and Roman Political Ideology"

Toan Do, "[Monon] or [monon]? Reading 1 John 2:2c from the Editio Critica Maior" 

Blake E. Wassell and Stephen R. Llewelyn, “'Fishers of Humans,” the Contemporary Theory of Metaphor, and Conceptual Blending Theory"

Adele Reinhartz, "The JBL Forum, an Occasional Exchange"

Serge Frolov, "The Death of Moses and the Fate of Source Criticism"

Philip Y. Yoo," The Place of Deuteronomy 34 and Source Criticism: A Response to Serge Frolov"

Shawna Dolansky, "Deuteronomy 34: The Death of Moses, Not of Source Criticism" 

Unified until Proven Disunified? Assumptions and Standards in Assessing the Literary Complexity of Ancient Biblical Texts
David M. Carr 

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