Sep 19, 2015

Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below.

Wilhelm Bousset
Kyrios Christos: A History of Belief in Christ from the Beginning of Christianity to Irenaeus
Reviewed by Jonathan M. Potter

Claire Clivaz, Corina Combet-Galland, Jean-Daniel Macchi, and Christophe Nihan, eds.
Ecritures et réécritures: La reprise interprétative des traditions fondatrices par la littérature biblique et extra-biblique. Cinquième Colloque International du RRENAB, Université de Genève et Lausanne, 10-12 juin 2010
Reviewed by Renata Furst

Devorah Dimant
History, Ideology and Bible Interpretation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Collected Studies
Reviewed by Peter Porzig

Benjamin H. Dunning
Christ without Adam: Subjectivity and Sexual Difference in the Philosophers’ Paul
Reviewed by Robert Paul Seesengood

Joseph R. Hacker and Adam Shear, eds.
The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy
Reviewed by Jeffrey L. Morrow

Richard Horsley
The Prophet Jesus and the Renewal of Israel: Moving Beyond a Diversionary Debate
Reviewed by Chris L. de Wet

Gideon R. Kotzé
The Qumran Manuscripts of Lamentations: A Text-Critical Study
Reviewed by Pieter B. Hartog

Frans van Liere
An Introduction to the Medieval Bible
Reviewed by Marcus Elder

Heinz-Werner Neudorfer
Der Brief des Paulus an Titus
Reviewed by Manabu Tsuji

Walter T. Wilson
The Sentences of Sextus
Reviewed by Johan Thom

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