Abraham Kuruvilla continues his "how I Preach" interview series with this interview of Paige Patterson. Here are a few of Patterson's responses that stuck out to me.
Most used English Bible version:
New King James Version.
(I am not at all a King James-only type, but I am so old that I knew some of the 1611 translators personally. Indeed, I even dream in Elizabethan English, so my commitment to the KJV is a matter of habit and memory.).
Use of Greek and Hebrew (light/moderate/heavy)?
Pretty heavy. I never preach without translating the passage for myself.
What tools/aids for sermon prep can’t you live without?
I depend heavily upon my 30,000-volume personal library.
One word that best describes how you preach:
Text-driven or expository.
Now go and read the rest of the entire fascinating interview.
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