Aug 15, 2018

Evangelicals and the Study of the Bible

"As evangelicals we do not pretend to study the Bible without presuppositions, We consciously, intentionally, and apologetically seek to be informed and motivated by explicitly biblical thinking as we study the Bible, Belief in God is foundational for all of life and should guide the way we understand the quest for truth. The Bible tells us that God exists and what he is like, how he has revealed himself, and how we are to relate to him as creatures made in his image. This understanding then determines the method, attitude, and purposes of biblical and theological studies. The God we find in the Bible determines how we approach the Bible. The way we study the Bible is based on certain functional attributes about God."

Michael J. Wilkins and Erik Thoennes, Biblical and Theological Studies: A Student’s Guide, Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2018), 26

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