Nov 3, 2018

The Latest Issue of the Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member.

Lesley R. DiFransico, Washing Away Sin: An Analysis of the Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible and Its Influence
Reviewed by Ryan P. Bonfiglio

Anne Elvey, Keith Dyer, and Deborah Guess, eds., Ecological Aspects of War: Engagements with Biblical Texts
Reviewed by Margaret Daly-Denton

Norman K. Gottwald, Social Justice and the Hebrew Bible, Volume 2
Reviewed by Walter J. Houston

Kelly R. Iverson, ed., From Text to Performance: Narrative and Performance Criticisms in Dialogue and Debate
Reviewed by Danny Yencich

Yii-Jan Lin, The Erotic Life of Manuscripts: New Testament Textual Criticism and the Biological Sciences
Reviewed by S. Matthew Solomon

Raymond F. Person Jr. and Robert Rezetko, eds., Empirical Models Challenging Biblical Criticism
Reviewed by Jeffrey L. Morrow

Todd D. Still, ed., God and Israel: Providence and Purpose in Romans 9–11
Reviewed by Timothy Gombis

Oren Tal and Zeev Weiss, eds., Expressions of Cult in the Southern Levant in the Greco-Roman Period: Manifestations in Text and Material Culture
Reviewed by Collin Cornell

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