The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member.
Jean-Noël Aletti, The Birth of the Gospels as Biographies: With Analyses of Two Challenging Pericopae
Reviewed by Alexander Thompson
Amnon Altman, Political Treaties of the Ancient Near East [Hebrew]
Reviewed by Shalom E. Holtz
Mark R. Glanville, Adopting the Stranger as Kindred in Deuteronomy
Reviewed by Carmen Palmer
Frederick E. Greenspahn and Gary A. Rendsburg, eds., Le-ma‘an Ziony: Essays in Honor of Ziony Zevit
Reviewed by Ralph K. Hawkins
Sehyun Kim, The Kingship of Jesus in the Gospel of John
Reviewed by Deolito V. Vistar Jr.
Ilse Müllner and Barbara Schmitz, eds., Perspektiven: Biblische Texte und Narratologie
Reviewed by Jean Louis Ska
Michael P. Naylor, Complexity and Creativity: John’s Presentation of Jesus in the Book of Revelation
Reviewed by Alexander E. Stewart
Jesús Peláez and Juan Mateos, New Testament Lexicography: Introduction – Theory – Method
Reviewed by William A. Ross
Robert Rollinger and Erik van Dongen, eds., Mesopotamia in the Ancient World: Impact, Continuities, Parallels: Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium of the Melammu Project Held in Obergurgl, Austria, November 4–8, 2013
Reviewed by Uri Gabbay
Herman J. Selderhuis, ed., Psalms 73–150
Reviewed by Sue Gillingham
Myrick C. Shinall Jr., Miracles and the Kingdom of God: Christology and Social Identity in Mark and Q
Reviewed by Sarah E. Rollens
Thomas A. Vollmer, “The Spirit Helps Our Weakness”: Rom 8.26a in Light of Paul’s Missiological Purpose for Writing the Letter to the Romans
Reviewed by Channing L. Crisler
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