Jan 17, 2020

The Latest Issue of the Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member.

Samuel L. Bray and John F. Hobbins, Genesis 1–11: A New Old Translation for Readers, Scholars, and Translators
Reviewed by Jeffery M. Leonard

Mark Bredin, Jesus, Revolutionary of the Poor: Matthew’s Subversive Messiah
Reviewed by Vien V. Nguyen, SCJ

David K. Bryan and David W. Pao, eds., Ascent Into Heaven in Luke-Acts: New Explorations of Luke’s Narrative Hinge
Reviewed by Mark A. Matson

Roy E. Garton, Mirages in the Desert: The Tradition-Historical Developments of the Story of Massah-Meribah
Reviewed by Brandon R. Grafius

Christian Gers-Uphaus, Sterbliche Götter – göttliche Menschen: Psalm 82 und seine frühchristlichen Deutungen
Reviewed by Beat Weber

Zohar Hadromi-Allouche, ed., Fallen Animals: Art, Religion, Literature
Reviewed by Hannah Strømmen

Catherine Sider Hamilton, with Joel Willitts, eds., Writing the Gospels: A Dialogue with Francis Watson
Reviewed by Vernon K. Robbins

Will Kynes, An Obituary for “Wisdom Literature”: The Birth, Death, and Intertextual Reintegration of a Biblical Corpus
Reviewed by David G. Firth

Liv Ingeborg Lied and Marilena Maniaci, eds., Bible as Notepad: Tracing Annotations and Annotation Practices in Late Antique and Medieval Biblical Manuscripts
Reviewed by W. Andrew Smith

Rüdiger Lux; Angelika Berlejung and Raik Heckl, eds., Ein Baum des Lebens: Studien zur Weisheit und Theologie im Alten Testament
Reviewed by Markus Witte

Daniel Marguerat, L’historien de Dieu: Luc et les Actes des apôtres
Reviewed by Rebecca Dean

Pablo Ponce Rodriguez, El símbolo antropologico de los vestidos en el libro del Apocalipsis: Investigación exegético-teológica
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek

Eileen Schuller and Marie-Theres Wacker, eds., Early Jewish Writings
Reviewed by Cynthia M. Baker

Meredith J. Stone, Empire and Gender in LXX Esther
Reviewed by Brian Charles DiPalma

Andrew J. Wilson, The Warning-Assurance Relationship in 1 Corinthians 

Reviewed by Victor Paul Furnish

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