Oct 6, 2021

What Is an Outline?

This semester I am teaching an introductory class on preaching. One part of sermon crafting that we discuss is outlining. I begin this discussion with what an outline is. Here is my list. Feel free to leave a comment with your additions, questions, or thoughts.
  1. Outlines are analytical aids that can help you to discerning the structure and flow of a passage. Outlines are organizational aids to help you organize and clarify your thoughts and the flow of your message.
  2. Outlines are communication aids to help your hearers to know and follow where you are going.
  3. Outlines are credibility aids that instill confidence in your hearers that you are organized and prepared (See Chapell, Christ-Centered Preaching,120).
  4. Outlines can be mnemonic aids that help you and your hearers remember and process what is being preached.

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