Jan 14, 2025

The Latest Issue of the Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member to read them.

Bill T. Arnold and Paavo N. Tucker, Deuteronomy 12–26: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text (Baylor University Press)
Sidnie White Crawford

Knut Backhaus, Die Entgrenzung des Heils: Gesammelte Studien zur Apostelgeschichte (Mohr Siebeck)
Daniel B. Glover

Yael Fisch, Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (Brill)
Nicholas Schaser

Justo L. González and Catherine Gunsalus González, Worship in the Early Church (Westminster John Knox)
David Kneip

Oscar Jiménez, Metaphors in the Narrative of Ephesians 2:11–22: Motion towards Maximal Proximity and Higher Status (Brill)
Lionel J. Windsor

Emerson B. Powery, The Good Samaritan: Luke 10 for the Life of the Church (Baker Academic)
Hyun Ho Park

The following reviews originally published in the Studia Philonica Annual have been added to RBL.

Michael B. Cover, Philo of Alexandria, On the Change of Names: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (Brill)
Sean A. Adams

David T. Runia, Philo of Alexandria: Collected Studies 1997–2021 (Mohr Siebeck)
Gregory E. Sterling

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