The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member to read them.
Roger S. Bagnall, ed., Roman Egypt: A History (Cambridge University Press)
Luca Arcari
John M. G. Barclay and Kylie Crabbe, eds., The Reception of Jewish Tradition in the Social Imagination of the Early Christians (T&T Clark)
Jeffrey A. Colburn
Timothy A. Brookins, Reading 1 Corinthians: A Literary and Theological Commentary (Smyth & Helwys)
Hannah Fytche
D. Clint Burnett, Paul and Imperial Divine Honors: Christ, Caesar, and the Gospel (Eerdmans)
Margaret Froelich
Lisbeth S. Fried, Ruth (Sheffield Phoenix)
Gina Hens-Piazza
Steven Edward Harris, Refiguring Resurrection: A Biblical and Systematic Eschatology (Baylor University Press)
Alexander P. Thompson
Tyler A. Stewart, The Origin and Persistence of Evil in Galatians (Mohr Siebeck)
Ryan Heinsch
Martin Wright, The Dividing Wall: Ephesians and the Integrity of the Corpus Paulinum (T&T Clark)
Daniel K. Darko
The following reviews originally published in the Studia Philonica Annual have been added to RBL.
Ruben A. Bühner, Paulus im Kontext des Diasporajudentums: Judenchristliche Lebensweise nach den paulinischen Briefen und die Debatten um „Paul within Judaism“ (Mohr Siebeck)
Guido Baltes
Nélida Naveros Córdova
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