Jul 23, 2008

Top Five Commentaries on Joshua

Ligonier Ministries has a
list and discussion of their top five commentaries on Joshua. I would not place Davis at #1 and I would include L. D. Hawk (Berit Olam) in the top 5. I would also include Madvig (EBC) ato the runner-up list. In any case, the top five they have listed are:

1. Dale Ralph Davis -- Joshua: No Falling Words (Focus on the Bible, 2000).
2. Richard S. Hess -- Joshua (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1996).
3. David M. Howard -- Joshua (New American Commentary, 1998).
4. Marten Woudstra -- The Book of Joshua (New International Commentary on the Old Testament, 1981).
5. Trent C. Butler -- Joshua (Word Biblical Commentary, 1983).


Anonymous said...


If I am reading them correctly, neither the OT Commentary Survey - 4th Edition( T. Longman III), or the Commentary & Reference Survey - 10th Edition (Glynn), or Denver Seminary list Davis' commentary on Joshua as highly recommended or even good.


Charles Savelle said...

I would probably agree with the resources you have identified. I have Davis' commentary and it is okay, but I just don't think it belongs at number one and probably not in the top five.