Ligonier Ministries has a list and discussion of their top five commentaries on 1-2 Chronicles.It is hard to find too much fault with the list given the relative paucity of solid commentaries on Chronicles. That being said, I think that I would move J. A. Thompson from the runners-up to the top five, probably replacing Pratt. Also it would be hard to exclude Gary Knoppers' two volume work in the Anchor Bible series. To the runners-up list I would add J. B. Payne (EBC), Eugene Merril, and Tuell (Interpretation). In any case, the top five Keith Mathison has listed are:
1. Roddy L. Braun and Raymond B. Dillard -- 1 Chronicles

2. Richard L. Pratt -- 1 & 2 Chronicles

3. Martin Selman. -- 1 Chronicles

4. Andrew E. Hill -- 1 & 2 Chronicles

5. Sara Japhet -- 1 & 2 Chronicles

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