Jun 7, 2009

Top Five Commentaries on Joel

Keith Mathison Ligonier Ministries has a list and discussion of his top five commentaries on Joel at the Ligonier Ministries blog. The list is solid but I would replace Hubbard and Robertson with Duane Garrett (Hosea, Joel, NAC) and Thomas Finley (Joel, Amos, Obadiah
) respectively. To the Runners Up category I would add Barton (OTL), Crenshaw (AB), and Wolff (Her). In any case, Mathison’s top five are:

1. Douglas Stuart -- Hosea-Jonah (Word Biblical Commentary, 1987).
2. Thomas E. McComiskey -- The Minor Prophets (2009 [1992]).
3. David Allan Hubbard -- Joel & Amos (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1989).
4. O. Palmer Robertson -- Prophet of the Coming Day of the Lord: The Message of Joel (Welwyn Commentary Series, 1995).
5. Leslie C. Allen -- The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah (New International Commentary on the Old Testament, 1976).

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