Jun 15, 2010

Revelation 2-3: The Bride Beautiful

Based on Revelation 2-3:

The Bride Beautiful

1. A passionate "first love" relationship with the Lord Jesus that spills over into all other relationships;
2. A willingness to suffer for our Bridegroom;
3. A growing knowledge of the truth of the gospel and a commitment to defend the faith "once and for all delivered unto the saints";
4. A purity of heart and holiness of lifestyle, driven by love and empowered by grace;
5. An aliveness in Jesus generated by His real presence in our midst and hearts;
6. A commitment to follow Jesus into a life of other-centered living through evangelism, missions, and cultural impact;
7. An undivided and wholehearted allegiance to Jesus, which treasures communion with Him more than the comforts of the world- more than anything else.

Scotty Smith and Michael Card, Unveiled Hope: Eternal Encouragement from the Book of Revelation (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997), 59.

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