Jul 29, 2010

Old Testament Prophets

“Through the prophets the invisible God becomes audible. Without their voice a biblical theology is impossible. Their luminous words bring the kingdom of God to earth by penetrating the human heart. The prophets interpret Israel's history, explaining its failures as due to her covenant infidelity and her sure destiny as due to God’s covenant fidelity. Israel's destiny to save the nations is not just the end of the journey; it is the point of the journey.”

Bruce Waltke with Charles Yu, An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009), 805.


Kevin Ray Gabriel said...

I read that very section just last week in preparation for my upcoming trip to WOLBI!!

Ken Downin said...

"Their luminous words bring the kingdom of God to earth by penetrating the human heart." Truer words were never uttered.