Aug 22, 2010

Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews that may be of interest from a Bible Exposition perspective include:

Hector Avalos, Sarah Melcher, and Jeremy Schipper, eds.
This Abled Body: Rethinking Disabilities in Biblical Studies
Reviewed by William R. G. Loader

Joseph Blenkinsopp
Judaism, the First Phase: The Place of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Origins of Judaism
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz

Roland Boer
Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes
Reviewed by Gilbert Lozano

Roland Boer and Jorunn Økland, eds.
Marxist Feminist Criticism of the Bible
Reviewed by Michael J. Lakey

Detlev Groddek and Maria Zorman, eds.
Tabularia Hethaeorum: Hethitologische Beiträge: Silvin Kosak zum 65. Geburtstag
Reviewed by Paul Sanders

Joel S. Kaminsky
Yet I Loved Jacob: Reclaiming the Biblical Concept of Election
Reviewed by Hallvard Hagelia

Mosheh Lichtenstein
Moses: Envoy of God, Envoy of His People
Reviewed by Danny Mathews

Hanne Loland
Silent or Salient Gender? The Interpretation of Gendered God-Language in the Hebrew Bible, Exemplified in Isaiah 42, 46, and 49
Reviewed by Claudia D. Bergmann

Robin Routledge
Old Testament Theology: A Thematic Approach
Reviewed by Don Collett

C. Kavin Rowe
World Upside Down: Reading Acts in the Graeco-Roman Age
Reviewed by Rubén Dupertuis

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