Sep 20, 2011

Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop: The Interview

Yesterday I posted on the upcoming Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop (Sept. 26, details here) and I promised an interview with Dr. David Allen, one of the workshop speakers. Dr. Allen is the Dean of the School of Theology, Director of the Center of Biblical Preaching, and Professor of Preaching at Southwestern Seminary. I appreciate Dr. Allen's willingness to take part in the following interview.

What is an Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop?

The Center for Expository Preaching at Southwestern Baptist theological Seminary offers two expository preaching workshops every year. The first workshop (Expository Preaching Workshop) is held in the spring. This workshop consists of two days of instruction on the philosophy, theory, and methodology of expository preaching. The presenters are well-known expositors drawn from all over the United States. The second workshop (Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop) is held in the fall. This workshop will take a book of the Bible (in this case Genesis 1–11) and seek to apply the philosophy, theory, and methodology of exposition to that book. The advanced workshop will have presentations on the book (e.g., its structure, theology) and how to preach the book (e.g., preaching plans, example sermons). This year, the Advanced Workshop is presented by expositors selected from Southwestern’s faculty (David L. Allen, Matthew McKellar, Jason Lee), plus our special guest, Dr. Allen P. Ross, Professor of Old Testament at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama.    

Who should attend the Advanced Expository Preaching workshop?

The Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop is designed for pastors and preachers who want to review, retool, or refresh their expository preaching skills. While the workshop is designed for pastors and preachers, Bible college or seminary students interested in expository preaching and/or Genesis 1–11will also benefit. In fact, Sunday school teachers and other laypersons have attended previous workshops to become better equipped to serve in their churches.

What can pastors and preachers hope to take away from this workshop?

They can expect to receive very practical insights into Genesis 1–11 and how to preach the book expositionally. Each attendee will receive notes from the sessions and even lunch is included with registration. In the campus bookstore, some of the better resources on Genesis 1–11 will also be available for purchase as well.

Why did you choose to cover Genesis 1–11?

The Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop is committed to teaching the whole counsel of Scripture. So we alternate our book selections between the Old and New Testaments. Last year the workshop tackled Hebrews and so this year we were looking at a book from the Old Testament. Given the current climate concerning the issues of creation and evolution, we thought it was timely to offer this study. We have heard from many pastors over the past year or two who have requested a workshop on this subject.

What do you think are some of most helpful commentaries or resources for studying Genesis?

At the risk of leaving out some great resources, I would suggest the following:

The two-volumes by Ken Matthews in the NAC series published by B&H are a must. Derek Kidner in the Tyndale OT series is also quite good, along with Sailhamer in the EBC series. Gordon Wenham’s Genesis 1–15 in Word Biblical Commentary series is well-done. Victor Hamilton’s two volumes in the NICOT series is a solid work. Waltke’s Genesis is also helpful. From the standpoint of exposition of Genesis, I would recommend three additional excellent works: (1) James Montgomery Boice’s three volumes on Genesis (published by Zondervan); (2) Allen P Ross, Creation and Blessing is a gold mine for the preacher; and (3) John Walton’s Genesis in the NIV Application Series is also an excellent resource for the pastor.

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