Apr 19, 2012

Brueggemann's Essential Books on the Psalms

Walter Brueggemann lists five essential books for studying the Psalms. His five include the following.

They Cried to the Lord: The Form and Theology of Biblical Prayer, by Patrick D. Miller (Fortress).

Theology of the Psalms, by Hans-Joachim Kraus (Augsburg Fortress).

“Psalms,” by J. Clinton McCann Jr. (in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. 4: 1 & 2 Maccabees, Introduction to Hebrew Poetry, Job, Psalms (Abingdon).

Praise and Lament in the Psalms, by Claus Westermann (Westminster John Knox).

A God of Vengeance? Understanding the Psalms of Divine Wrath, by Erich Zenger (Westminster John Knox). 

To read Brueggemann's annotations see this post in the The Christian Century online here

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