Dec 5, 2013

Themelios 38.3

The latest edition of Themelios is out and available here. The main articles include:
  1. D. A. Carson | EDITORIAL: The Hole in the Gospel
  2. Michael J. Ovey | OFF THE RECORD: Liberty, What Crimes Are Committed in Thy Name?
  3. Keith Ferdinando | Jesus, the Theological Educator
  4. Gavin Ortlund | "The Voice of His Blood": Christ's Intercession in the Thought of Stephen Charnock
  5. Robert Caldwell | The Ministerial Ideal in the Ordination Sermons of Jonathan Edwards: Four Theological Portraits
  6. Melvin Tinker | Secularisation: Myth or Menace? An Assessment of Modern 'Worldliness'
  7. Andrew David Naselli | PASTORAL PENSÉES: 12 Reasons You Should Pray Scripture

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