Dec 2, 2013

Journal for the Study of the New Testament 36:2

The latest issue of the Journal for the Study of the New Testament is out. Here is a list of the articles and links to abstracts.

‘The Rock Was Christ’: The Fluidity of Christ’s Body in 1 Corinthians 10.4
Matthew Thiessen
pp. 103-126

(Why) Was Jesus the Galilean Crucified Alone? Solving a False Conundrum
Fernando Bermejo-Rubio
pp. 127-154

Apocalyptic and Covenant: Perspectives on Paul or Antinomies at War?
David A. Shaw
pp. 155-171

Taking the Jews out of the Equation: Galatians 6.12-17 as a Summons to Cease Evading Persecution
Alexander V. Prokhorov
pp. 172-188

Romans 4: A Critique of N.T. Wright
Jan Lambrecht
pp. 189-194

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