Aug 7, 2015

Preaching from 1 Peter

Scott Tatum's article on preaching from 1 Peter might be a bit difficult to find but it is worth checking out. Here is the opening paragraph.

"Preaching from I Peter affords a wide variety of possibilities for both the traditional and contemporary models of expository preaching. Among these is the direct biblical sermon presenting an exposition of truths specifically taught in that passage of scripture. This should be the kind of sermon most often preached to offer the most wholesome pulpit ministry for the people. But variety is the spice of life! Consider also thematic preaching from I Peter. A topical or thematic sermon is expository preaching too, if indeed it presents an exposition of biblical truth with hermeneutical accuracy. Other forms include the biographical sermon, the life-situation sermon, the homily, or the multiple-passage sermon." 

Scott L. Tatum, "Preaching from I Peter," Southwestern Journal of Theology 25 (1982): 46.

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