Aug 10, 2016

Latest Issue of Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member.

Sébastien B. Abalodo 
Structure et théologie dans le Trito-Isaïe: Une contribution à l’unité du Livre
Reviewed by C. Y. Timothy Kao

Mark A. Chancey, Carol Meyers, and Eric M. Meyers, eds.
The Bible in the Public Square: Its Enduring Influence in American Life
Reviewed by Jeffrey S. Siker

R. Alan Culpepper and Paul N. Anderson, eds.
Communities in Dispute: Current Scholarship on the Johannine Epistles
Reviewed by Toan Do
Reviewed by Jan A. du Rand

Thomas B. Dozeman, Craig A. Evans, and Joel N. Lohr, eds.
The Book of Exodus: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation
Reviewed by Jeffrey L. Morrow

Niclas Förster
Jesus und die Steuerfrage: Die Zinsgroschenperikope auf dem religiösen und politischen Hintergrund ihrer Zeit mit einer Edition von Pseudo-Hieronymus, De haeresibus Judaeorum
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek

Gregg E. Gardner
The Origins of Organized Charity in Rabbinic Judaism
Reviewed by Rivka Ulmer

Raimo Hakola, Nina Nikki, and Ulla Tervahauta, eds.
Others and the Construction of Early Christian Identities
Reviewed by Benjamin H. Dunning

Tricia Miller
Three Versions of Esther: Their Relationship to Anti-Semitic and Feminist Critique of the Story
Reviewed by Anne-Mareike Wetter

Mika S. Pajunen and Hanna Tervanotko, eds.
Crossing Imaginary Boundaries: The Dead Sea Scrolls in the Context of Second Temple Judaism
Reviewed by Timothy H. Lim

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