Nov 10, 2018

The Latest Issue of the Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member.

Cornelis Bennema, Mimesis in the Johannine Literature: A Study in Johannine Ethics
Reviewed by Michael R. Whitenton

Mordechai Z. Cohen and Adele Berlin, eds., Interpreting Scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Overlapping Inquiries
Reviewed by Abdulla Galadari

James D. G. Dunn, Neither Jew Nor Greek: A Contested Identity
Reviewed by Maria Karyakina

Matthias Ederer and Barbara Schmitz, eds., Exodus: Interpretation durch Rezeption
Reviewed by Joachim J. Krause

Rouven Genz, Jesaja 53 als theologische Mitte der Apostelgeschichte: Studien zu ihrer Christologie und Ekklesiologie im Anschluss an Apg 8,26–40
Reviewed by Loveday Alexander

Michael J. Gorman, Apostle of the Crucified Lord: A Theological Introduction to Paul and His Letters
Reviewed by Christopher T. Holmes

Robert C. Gregg, Shared Stories, Rival Tellings: Early Encounters of Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Reviewed by Gordon D. Newby

Peter John Parsons and N. Gonis, eds., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LXXXIII
Reviewed by Larry W. Hurtado

Luc Pialoux, L’épître aux Philippiens: L’evangile du don et de l’amitié
Reviewed by Isaac Blois

Gary S. Selby, Not with Wisdom of Words: Nonrational Persuasion in the New Testament
Reviewed by Alexander E. Stewart

F. Scott Spencer, ed., Mixed Feelings and Vexed Passions: Exploring Emotions in Biblical Literature
Reviewed by Thomas H. Olbricht

Alexander Toepel, Das Protevangelium des Jakobus: Ein Beitrag zur neueren Diskussion um Herkunft, Auslegung und theologische Einordnung 

Reviewed by Jonathon Lookadoo

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