Feb 8, 2019

The Latest Issue of the Review of Biblical Literature

The latest issue of Review of Biblical Literature is out. Reviews can be accessed by clicking the links below but unfortunately you must be a SBL member.

Florian Amselgruber, “Ulme stützt Weinstock”: Literalisierung kirchlicher Verkündigung auf der Basis paganer Formen bei Clemens von Alexandrien
Reviewed by Harry O. Maier

Mark J. Boda, Exploring Zechariah, Volume 2: The Development and Role of Biblical Traditions in Zechariah
Reviewed by Jason M. Silverman

Athalya Brenner-Idan, Gale A. Yee, and Archie C. C. Lee, eds., The Five Scrolls
Reviewed by Amy Erickson

John Paul Heil, Luke-Acts: Foundations for Christian Worship
Reviewed by Boris Paschke

Samuel Hildebrandt, Interpreting Quoted Speech in Prophetic Literature: A Study of Jeremiah 2.1–3.5
Reviewed by J. Michael Thigpen

Hillel I. Millgram, Judges and Saviors, Deborah and Samson: Reflections of a World in Chaos
Reviewed by Philippe Guillaume

Song-Mi Suzie Park, Hezekiah and the Dialogue of Memory
Reviewed by Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan

Richard N. Soulen, Defining Jesus: The Earthly, the Biblical, the Historical, and the Real Jesus, and How Not to Confuse Them
Reviewed by Tobias Ålöw

Brian J. Tabb, Suffering in Ancient Worldview: Luke, Seneca, and 4 Maccabees in Dialogue
Reviewed by Timothy A. Brookins

H. G. M. Williamson, Isaiah 6–12: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary 

Reviewed by Patricia K. Tull

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